Jan Eliasson, one of the world’s most skilled and respected diplomats, exemplifies the substance, theatre, and spirit of diplomacy—statecraft, stagecraft, and soulcraft.
Rising Star, Setting Sun explores the complicated, poignant, and consequential transition of power from Dwight D. Eisenhower to John F. Kennedy.
John F. Kennedy served for nearly eight years as the junior senator from Massachusetts before becoming president of the United States. It was in the Senate that he mastered the nuances of American politics and forged a path to the White House.
The career of Richard Lugar, two-time chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, illustrates how Congress can help shape American foreign policy.
An examination of how diplomacy can influence global politics, drawn from the work of Sweden’s Jan Eliasson, one of the world’s most accomplished diplomats.
A compilation of more than five dozen profiles of global leaders written for The Washington Diplomat magazine.